
BizAcuity is an ISO 9001 and 27001 certified Data Analytics and Business Intelligence strategy firm. We provide modern, scalable, and cost-effective consulting and data services to clients from around the globe since 2012. 

Our clients like our focus on problem-solving and unearthing unique and best solutions pertaining to the needs of their business. 

With a high-rated 4.9/5 by Gartner Peer Insights, we stand as one of the leading business solutions providers in the industry.  

GAMWIT: Redefining Gaming Analytics for the world of gaming!

Leverage our home-grown AI platform, GAMWIT for its cutting-edge Predictive and Visual Analytics modules. 

GAMWIT empowers with agile, informed decisions, shaping the future of the gaming industry with ready-to-use dashboards and AI models inclined for :

  1. Marketing Retention (Player LTV, Player Churn, Hold Percentage, etc)
  2. Risk and Compliance Management(Bonus Abuser, Responsible Gaming, De-duplication etc)
  3. Real-time Engagement (Cross-sell Recommendation engine)