
The Impact of Customer Sentiment Analysis on Brand Building
According to a survey by UpCity, 38% of U.S. and Canadian businesses perform social listening in 2022. The participants who use social

TIBCO JasperSoft for BI and Reporting
TIBCO Jaspersoft offers a complete BI suite that includes reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), visual analytics, and data integration. The web-scale platform

Leverage Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Management
Quite recently, the logistics industry was introduced to Edge and Fog cloud computing, to make the use of IoT devices (for analytics)

Advanced Data Analytics for the Smart Retailers
It’s 2022. The 6 feet economy might be gone (hopefully forever) but certain trends continue to live on. The retail industry across

Breaking down Business Intelligence
Let’s turn the focus to one industry as an interesting example. For restaurants and fast food chains, consistency in taste is universal

How The Cloud Made ‘Data-Driven Culture’ Possible | Part 3: Cloud Solutions
This is a three-part story (Part 1, Part 2). Previous blogs covered cloud innovations and cloud adoption. Now, to cloud solutions. Popular

How The Cloud Made ‘Data-Driven Culture’ Possible | Part 2: Cloud Adoption
The story so far– We had a look at the way in which cloud computing transformed itself through some astonishing innovations in

How The Cloud Made ‘Data-Driven Culture’ Possible | Part 1
History and innovations in recent times Cloud technology and innovation drives data-driven decision making culture in any organization. It is the epitome

The future of casino marketing strategy is digital plus data
Marketing a business with legal and regulatory complications is no less than navigating a minefield. What can be said in one state,

How Big Data Analytics and Data Management Can Fuel Business Growth
Big Data technology in today’s world Did you know that the big data and business analytics market is valued at $198.08 billion

Online betting fraud- How it works and how to stop it.
Online betting has made it easier for millions to enjoy responsible gaming from the comfort of their homes. There is good news

Data Analytics for Crypto Casinos: Significance and Challenges
What are Crypto Casinos Casinos, where cryptocurrencies are the primary or only source of payment, are often called Crypto Casinos. Similarly, crypto

Incorporating Artificial Intelligence for Businesses: The Modern Approach to Data Analytics
There have been so many articles published about AI and its applications, you can find millions of articles on the internet. You

Player retention is a strategic imperative for Casinos
Player lifetime value (LTV) is at the heart of casino economics. Everything else, well, is a game of chance, like the pandemic

The Right Tool and Advantages of Analyzing Lifetime Value and Churn
iGaming as an industry is expanding like never before. The COVID-19 pandemic is partly responsible for this growth. The years 2019 and