
Centralized Reporting System for a Group of Educational Institutions

About Client

The client, based out of Parramatta, Australia, operates about 83 schools across the country. Some of the schools have been in operation since before World War II and have a legacy of more than 80 years behind them.


Multi-campus schools and colleges leverage reporting systems to track various aspects of the faculty and students alike including performance, activities, time tables, health and medical conditions, medication track, progress reports, hall tickets among a few. Most of the time, the faculty members and administrators have to upload the data manually, which is a time-consuming process, and is additional work which should not be the case.


  • The client had trouble integrating the highly complex reports that showcased information from different schools
  • High complex queries were required as schools had to use multiple filters (often 15-20 filters per report!)
  • The reports had to be print-friendly and the layout had to be as per given standards
  • The database provided was a highly normalized set which required highly efficient queries to handle multiple joins and conditions

Our Solution

  • Highly efficient design architecture and planning of the reports were developed and implemented to achieve the highly complex designs of the reports as per the Print standards given by the client.
  • Queries with HTML tags embedded – To achieve the performance and the design layout as per standards, a unique way of handling reports with the design integrated within SQL queries in the form of HTML tags were utilized to overcome the limitations that were presented.
  • Complex date conditions were provided in the filter expressions to handle the date selections (such as previous day, previous month, last fortnight etc.)
  • Dynamic queries were used to query the database depending on the filter values.
  • The CSV export of the reports was a limitation, so we provided a custom solution that retrieved raw data from the report interface.


The staff efficiency increased by


decrease in manual work of the faculty

A set of

50 crucial reports

helped the school’s management to manage end-to-end operations of

83 Schools

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