
Navigating a Billion-Dollar Telecom’s Migration to Microstrategy 11

About Client:

The client is a billion-dollar telecommunications company founded in 1987 in Tampa, Florida.


With an extensive number of Network Operators as clients, efficient reporting tools were crucial for tracking and optimizing their operations. The client had been using OBIEE and Microstrategy 9 for their reporting needs but sought to transition to Microstrategy 11 for enhanced capabilities and a unified reporting environment.


The primary challenge lies in ensuring a smooth migration while meticulously mapping metrics and attributes to recreate reports accurately. 

The migration was not just an upgrade from MicroStrategy 9 to MicroStrategy 11. The entire data model was redone to streamline various datasets and so all the attribute and metric sets were all recreated and different from the original legacy systems. 

Testing the migrated reports for accuracy and identifying any discrepancies in the data became a critical task. Convincing Network Operator clients to embrace the new unified reporting system on Microstrategy 11 required showcasing the system’s advantages and addressing any concerns arising from the transition


Our approach involved a phased strategy.

We began by mapping existing attributes and metrics to the new sets of attributes and metrics and creating new sets when needed, all the while ensuring a clear understanding of the client’s requirements.

Migrating reports from OBIEE and Microstrategy 9 to Microstrategy 11 involved meticulous attention to detail, and building reports from scratch demanded a deep understanding of the business processes.

To address concerns from Network Operator clients, we prepared on-demand dossiers and dashboards, showcasing the customization capabilities of the new reporting system on Microstrategy 11.

Our team implemented a novel User Acceptance Testing (UAT) framework to identify issues in the data easily, using a drill down methodology that vastly reduced the testing and debugging time for each report.

Regular communication and collaboration with the client were maintained throughout the process.


The implemented solution yielded remarkable outcomes, showcasing the effectiveness of the BI enhancements:

  1. Migrated over 400 reports seamlessly, enhancing overall reporting efficiency.
  2. Successfully built and deployed over 50 new reports to address evolving business requirements.
  3. Delivered more than 25 on-demand reports within the allocated budget and on schedule.
  4. Conducted thorough quality assurance, identifying and addressing data discrepancies to ensure report accuracy.

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